

If you have been told you should have a hip replacement, I am here to help. There's not much for me to update on my own progress, as I have returned, through Pilates and yoga, to "normal." (I've never been normal.) But I am here to help everyone else who is having a hip replacement.

If you are thinking of having a replacement, read this blog all the way through. I've tried to be as truthful as I can about the experience, from the day before the operation, to the medical supplies you will need when you get  home from the hospital, to the present, three years later. Only by going back to how I felt at the beginning of the process can I remember how much pain I was in when I tried to register myself into the hospital, and when I walked down the corridors for the pre-op tests. In retrospect, I waited too long.

I thought I could cure myself through diet and exercise. I couldn't. But now that I've had the surgery, I see there are some times when surgery is clearly the best choice.

Good luck to you! An informed patient is a successful patient.